The Dark Matter of Cambridge Philosophy

48 mins 30 secs,  44.41 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  125.01 kbits/sec
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Description: Lecture on The Dark Matter of Cambridge Philosophy given by Dr Fraser MacBride as part of the Philosophy Events for the Alumni Weekend on Saturday 25th September 2010.
Created: 2010-10-01 15:18
Collection: The Dark Matter of Cambridge Philosophy
Aspects of Philosophy at Cambridge
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Faculty of Philosophy
Language: eng (English)
Abstract: The powerful intellectual attraction exerted by Russell, Wittgenstein and Moore upon their contemporaries and upon subsequent philosophy can hardly been underestimated. Nevertheless there were other parties involved in the Cambridge conversations where the distinctive features of their differing philosophical outlooks took shape - philosophers including A.N. Whitehead, W.E. Johnson and G.F. Stout amongst others. This talk we will recover and reanimate some of these conversations and listen to some of these now muted voices in order to come to an understanding of the influence that they undoubtedly bore upon the development of philosophy in Cambridge.
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MP3 * 44100 Hz 125.01 kbits/sec 44.41 MB Listen Download
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