Ekaterina Dorzhieva, Respect for Older People

2 mins 29 secs,  4.57 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  251.45 kbits/sec
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Ekaterina Dorzhieva, Respect for Older People's image
Description: Some people commemorate their diseased relatives a year, two, three, five, or even 15 years after their death. I am already in my 70s. I live with my husband. Our parents passed away many years ago.
Created: 2018-03-13 18:14
Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (FAMILY STRUCTURE AND RESPECT OF KIN)
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: University of Cambridge
Language: xal (Kalmyk; Oirat)
Abstract: Ekaterina says the following:
Some people commemorate their diseased relatives a year, two, three, five, or even 15 years after their death. I am already in my 70s. I live with my husband. Our parents passed away many years ago. What merit they had accumulated in their lives, they will use it in their next lives. I go to the temple and book well wishes for their memorial service. At home, I have a couple of pictures of our parents. I always bow to them. Recently my husband’s nephew had difficult surgery. After the surgery, he paid us a visit. After drinking tea, he bowed to the pictures on his way out. I tell all my relatives to bow to these pictures. My husband’s nephew has recovered and is doing all right now. Different people have different thoughts. There are young people who have pure, clean thoughts, and who respect their parents. There are also those who do not. The sky sees it all. We have been brought up to show respect to older people, which we will always do.
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