Building bridges: what is best practice for structuring executive remuneration?

16 mins 47 secs,  3.84 MB,  MP3  16000 Hz,  31.27 kbits/sec
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Description: Is it shaped by social imperatives or should it be held as an economic negotiation? Dr Jonathan Trevor discusses this contentious issue, calling for an increase in transparency and more direct dialogue and consensus between shareholders and executives on what constitutes good governance as opposed to a reliance on using intermediary bodies: "We need to bridge the gap between the interests of shareholders and the interests of the executives. One size does not fit all and it is where we have seen prescriptive 'best practice' applied without contextual sensitivity, that we've seen the systems fail, with executives being incentivised for what amounts to bad behaviour with negative outcomes for the companies involved."
Created: 2010-06-15 16:22
Collection: Cambridge Judge Business School Discussions on Organisational Behaviour
Publisher: Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Copyright: Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Language: eng (English)
Producer:  Boni Sones OBE
Author:  Dr Jonathan Trevor
Available Formats
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MP3 44100 Hz 125.06 kbits/sec 15.37 MB Listen Download
MP3 22050 Hz 62.53 kbits/sec 7.69 MB Listen Download
MP3 * 16000 Hz 31.27 kbits/sec 3.84 MB Listen Download
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