Faculty of Philosophy

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Collections: 37
Media items: 268
Total views: 438,058 (updated daily)
Total disk space used: 128.96 GB
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Total viewing history (views per day)     << 1 wk | 1 mon | 3 mon | 1 yr | all >>     Precision:  day | week | month
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Statistics by collection

NOTE: These figures exclude media items imported from other collections. A media item's statistics are only counted against it's primary collection on this page, so that if a media item belongs to more than one collection, it is only counted once (against it's primary collection). A collection containing only media items from other collections will be shown as having no media items, no views and using no disk space on this page.

Collection Total views ↓ Media items Disk space
Moral Sciences Club 118,579 155 36.74 GB
Aspects of Philosophy at Cambridge 101,442 10 7.88 GB
What is Distinctive About Human Thought? 37,341 1 1.04 GB
When was Medieval Philosophy? 25,054 1 852.65 MB
D H Mellor 17,252 4 2.31 GB
Routledge Lecture in Philosophy: Acting and Thinking Together 15,831 1 374.78 MB
Art and Morality 15,756 1 585.18 MB
Conceptions of Press Freedom 11,672 1 428.68 MB
Iris Murdoch and the Rejection of Existentialism 11,556 2 1.18 GB
G.E. Moore and Cambridge Philosophy 9,754 1 1.16 GB
The Open-Doors Model of Freedom 8,697 1 1.17 GB
Arguing about torture 8,123 1 960.15 MB
The Meaning of Music 7,286 2 1.20 GB
New Directions in the Study of the Mind 6,033 16 14.96 GB
Limits of Duty 5,894 5 1.12 GB
The Philosophy of Wine - from Science to Subjectivity 5,556 1 1.23 GB
Fiction, emotion and imagination 4,207 1 1.08 GB
Sixth-form Philosophy Conference 3,821 4 1.52 GB
A Conversation with Tim Crane and Simon Blackburn 3,756 1 475.50 MB
Where would we be without counterfactuals? 3,427 1 982.13 MB
The Dark Matter of Cambridge Philosophy 3,218 1 1.03 GB
Happiness and Sustainability 2,641 1 717.29 MB
What do animals think? 2,546 1 866.66 MB
Conference on Bernard Williams and the Ancients 1,928 1 381.36 MB
Philosophy as Dialogue 819 1 187.38 MB
Tim Crane in conversation with Huw Price 777 1 309.32 MB
Future Directions in Epistemology: Formal, Informal, Applied 742 6 1.36 GB
Intentionality: New Directions 730 8 1.87 GB
The Human Mind Conference 714 17 34.85 GB
Joint Session 2014 708 6 1.78 GB
Women in Philosophy Conference 2017 432 2 618.44 MB
Routledge Lecture in Philosophy "Ethics for Communication in a Digital Age” 380 1 295.96 MB
Remembering Casimir Lewy: the man, his life and his philosophy 368 2 401.04 MB
Minorities and Philosophy Cambridge 2018 - Power and Identity: Philosophical Reflections on Liberation 334 5 1.01 GB
Routledge Lecture in Philosophy " The Point of View of the Universe: Defending Sidgwick's Ethics" 260 1 4.77 GB
Non-categorical thought 214 3 1.22 GB
Festival of Ideas - Identity and Immortality 204 1 258.56 MB
Download collection summary

Viewing figures by format, quality and client

Format Quality
  Low Medium High 360p 720p Total
MP3 - 171 432,169 - - 432,340
RealAudio - 62 2,268 - - 2,330
MPEG-4 Video - - - 608 738 1,346
Flash Video 82 605 - - - 687
iPod Video 204 - 325 - - 529
QuickTime 273 - - - - 273
Archive audio - - 252 - - 252
WebM - - - 109 - 109
H264 Archive video - - 32 - - 32
Unknown - - - - - 160
Totals 559 838 435,046 717 738 438,058
Web browsers 317,715
iTunes 120,343
Within the University 14,924
Elsewhere 423,134
HTTP 437,752
RTSP 306

Viewing figures by country

United States 155,368
United Kingdom 96,185
China 47,016
Netherlands 18,873
Germany 17,606
Canada 13,162
Australia 10,405
Spain 6,088
France 4,982
Japan 3,672
Russian Federation 3,328
India 2,315
Brazil 2,288
Panama 2,190
Romania 2,184
Sweden 2,063
Italy 2,038
Europe 1,765
Pakistan 1,681
Switzerland 1,414
Taiwan 1,407
Norway 1,395
Saudi Arabia 1,377
Ireland 1,371
New Zealand 1,287
Hong Kong 1,286
South Africa 1,241
Turkey 1,199
Belgium 1,175
Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,166
Poland 1,149
Singapore 1,144
Greece 1,071
Ukraine 941
Denmark 898
Austria 857
Korea, Republic of 802
Portugal 770
Israel 743
Philippines 689
Mexico 670
Finland 668
Indonesia 666
Argentina 497
Czech Republic 443
Malaysia 435
Vietnam 425
United Arab Emirates 394
Thailand 383
Chile 358
Serbia 340
Colombia 304
Estonia 296
Hungary 262
Peru 253
Bulgaria 250
Lithuania 216
Croatia 210
Morocco 209
Georgia 204
Iceland 194
Egypt 183
Zambia 172
Latvia 172
Slovenia 166
Lebanon 158
Cyprus 153
Nepal 140
Bangladesh 124
Syrian Arab Republic 100
Kuwait 97
Slovakia 89
Kazakstan 89
Malta 80
Belarus 80
Algeria 80
Iraq 80
Luxembourg 80
Papua New Guinea 77
Mongolia 73
Tanzania, United Republic of 69
Kenya 68
Uruguay 66
Guatemala 62
Kyrgyzstan 61
Suriname 60
Azerbaijan 58
Puerto Rico 58
Venezuela 57
Mauritius 53
Nigeria 53
Macedonia 51
Trinidad and Tobago 50
Armenia 48
Gambia 46
Sri Lanka 44
Ethiopia 44
Albania 40
Honduras 40
Jordan 39
Macau 37
Sudan 35
Brunei Darussalam 34
Cambodia 34
Moldova, Republic of 32
Ecuador 30
Qatar 29
Tunisia 29
Jamaica 28
Bosnia and Herzegovina 28
Dominican Republic 27
Isle of Man 26
Gibraltar 25
Montenegro 23
Ghana 22
Bahamas 21
Bahrain 21
Costa Rica 21
Jersey 19
Bhutan 19
Oman 19
Uganda 18
Lao People's Democratic Republic 16
Netherlands Antilles 16
Barbados 15
Botswana 15
Andorra 13
Palestinian Territory 12
Zimbabwe 12
Belize 11
Cuba 11
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 11
Bolivia 11
Guernsey 11
Uzbekistan 10
Sierra Leone 10
Bermuda 9
Senegal 8
Reunion 8
Mauritania 7
Afghanistan 7
Cameroon 7
El Salvador 6
Angola 6
Maldives 6
Saint Kitts and Nevis 6
Cayman Islands 6
Mozambique 5
Rwanda 5
Asia/Pacific Region 5
Myanmar 5
Solomon Islands 5
Haiti 5
Liechtenstein 4
Namibia 4
Seychelles 4
Aland Islands 3
Paraguay 3
Faroe Islands 3
Cape Verde 3
Nicaragua 2
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2
Swaziland 2
Antigua and Barbuda 2
Djibouti 2
Yemen 2
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 2
Virgin Islands, British 2
Micronesia, Federated States of 2
Madagascar 1
Vanuatu 1
Mayotte 1
French Polynesia 1
Togo 1
American Samoa 1
Holy See (Vatican City State) 1
French Guiana 1
Aruba 1
Somalia 1
Guadeloupe 1
Grenada 1
A1 (Anonymous Proxy) 41
A2 (Satellite Provider) 21
Unknown 9,557
Download viewing figures by country

This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com.
Specifically these viewing figures by country were created using the GeoLite City database, available from http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geolite.