Preparing teachers for early learning in Sub Saharan Africa

34 mins 16 secs,  498.19 MB,  MPEG-4 Video  1024x576,  25.0 fps,  44100 Hz,  1.93 Mbits/sec
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Preparing teachers for early learning in Sub Saharan Africa's image
Description: John Pryor and Jo Westbrook talk about preparing teachers for early learning in Sub Saharan Africa.

John Pryor is Reader in Education at the University of Sussex, working especially within the Centre for International Education (CIE). John began his career as teacher in primary and secondary schools with a particular interest in development education. Following a doctorate on gender and group work in education, John took up a post as
research fellow and subsequently lecturer at Sussex. His research interests centre on aspects of social identity and equity in education including formative assessment and pedagogy, international and intercultural study and research training and the doctorate in the social sciences. John has directed research projects in both the UK and
sub Saharan Africa mostly of a broadly micro-sociological nature including collaborative ethnography and action research.

Jo Westbrook is a Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Sussex working mostly within the Centre for International Education. She has worked as a secondary school teacher of English in London and in Uganda, where she also worked in teacher education at a National Teachers' Centre. Jo's research interests lie in the development of readers and reading communities with a particular interest in comprehension strategies for young and adolescent learners -- and in teacher learning. She has been a PI for collaborative research projects on the transition from trainee to NQT in developing countries and most recently on systematic and rigorous literature reviews on pedagogy and
teacher education in developing countries.

Created: 2013-06-21 10:32
Collection: Centre for Commonwealth Education: Seminars
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: University of Cambridge
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: CCE; Centre for Commonwealth Education; Teacher education; Sub-Saharan Africa; Development education; Early years teaching; John Pryor; Jo Westbrook;
Person:  John Pryor
Person:  Jo Westbrook
Abstract: This seminar describes the /Teacher Preparation in Africa/ project, a mixed methods research project which investigated the education of teachers in six countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on learning to teach mathematics and reading in the early years of primary school. After a brief presentation of the findings of the project we go on to discuss ways in which teacher preparation might be conceptualized and planned in such a way as to offer more to those at the start of their career than is currently available.
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