Marie-Anne Coninsx - The Changing Arctic, its Challenges and Global Impact

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Description: In the first installation of the new Green Society lecture series, Ms Marie Anne Coninsx, Wolfson alumna and former Ambassador at Large for the Arctic of the European Union shares her insights into the changes occurring in the Arctic and their global effects.
Created: 2020-05-01 14:11
Collection: Wolfson College Green Society Talks
Publisher: Wolfson College
Copyright: Wolfson College
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: Wolfson College, Cambridge; Green; Arctic; Marie-Anne Coninsx;
Person:  Marie-Anne Coninsx
Abstract: Marie Anne Coninsx was the first Ambassador at Large for the Arctic of the European Union (EU) from September 2017 to October 2019. She previously was the European Union' Ambassador to Canada (2013-2017), after serving four years as the EU Ambassador to Mexico. In Canada, she extensively visited the Canadian Arctic. Before her studies of the Law of the Sea at Wolfson, she studied law at Ghent University in Belgium.