Romans in Focus

Romans in Focus's image
Created: 2017-06-15 10:23
Institution: Faculty of Education
Description: Short documentaries on Roman social history, created by the Cambridge School Classics Project

Media items

This collection contains 8 media items.


Media items

Auxiliary soldiers: Romans-to-be


Citizenship, cultural identity and the army. What did it mean to be a soldier stationed in northern Britain? What did it mean to become a Roman citizen?

Collection: Romans in Focus

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Thu 15 Jun 2017

Constructing power in Augustus' Rome


Why did Augustus fund such extensive building projects and what can this tell us about power and politics under Augustus?

Collection: Romans in Focus

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 16 Jun 2017



Opportunities and stigma in Roman society: what can we tell from different types of sources?

Collection: Romans in Focus

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Thu 15 Jun 2017

Growing up in the Roman empire


What was life like as a child in the Roman empire? what did ‘childhood’ mean to the Romans?

Collection: Romans in Focus

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 16 Jun 2017



Life for the 95%. What was life like for the urban poor in Rome? What sources are available to us?

Collection: Romans in Focus

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Thu 15 Jun 2017

Religion: public display & private worship


What did religion mean to the people living in Rome?

Collection: Romans in Focus

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 24 Jul 2017

Rethinking women and work


Collection: Romans in Focus

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Thu 15 Jun 2017

Roman law: the art of the fair and good?


How did Roman Law affect people’s lives? Was it based on fairness? What can it tell us about Roman society? This highly conceptual video raises its own unique challenges.

Collection: Romans in Focus

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 16 Jun 2017