Alena Lidzhieva, Traditional Clothing

Duration: 5 mins 46 secs
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Alena Lidzhieva, Traditional Clothing's image
Description: Alena talks about Kalmyk clothings.
Created: 2015-06-12 18:45
Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DRESS)
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: University of Cambridge
Language: xal (Kalmyk; Oirat)
Abstract: Alena: In the past married women wore a tight waistcoat for beauty. It was worn underneath the dress, like another dress.
Karu: What was the difference between the dresses of married and single women?
A: Married women had two pigtails and wore a tsegdg (dress without sleeves). Single women wore a dress and had one pigtail. They also wore a hat. Of course, dresses of married and single women differed, which is not the case today. Today one cannot say whether one is married or single.
K: Can you talk about hats?
A: Married women’s hats were round in shape, with the top made from black velvet and had a thread. Old women wore hats made from lamb skin, also with a thread dangling from them.
K: Was there any difference between hats of young girls and single women?
A: Children did not wear hats. They run in the steppe without hats and looked like small black dots. They cleaned their noses with their hand and then smeared their faces.
K: What did men wear?
A: Men wore black beshmet and black hats.
K: Did they wear something underneath their beshmet?
A: They wore a shirt.
K: What shirts? With buttons?
A: With buttons. But buttons were not in the centre of the shirt but on the right side. Men wore the same beshmet every day. They also had a special one when going out.
K: What did men wear during holidays, at weddings?
A: A black beshmet.
K: Did they wear belts?
A: Yes, silver belts. They also had wool scarves around their neck.
K: What were their boots like?
A: Black boots.
K: What were their trousers like?
A: Black trousers just like men wear today. But they were made from real cloth, and pushed into boots.
K: Did they wear socks?
A: Of course, they did. It is not that they walked barefooted.
K: Did men wear knives?
A: Every man had a knife on his left waist. Knives were kept in wooden scabbards covered with leather.
K: Who made knives?
A: Some bought at the market, some made themselves, I don’t know.
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