Peter Burke: At the Crossroads: histories of exile, histories of knowledge

Duration: 1 hour 40 mins
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Peter Burke: At the Crossroads: histories of exile, histories of knowledge's image
Description: Discussion of recent thinking about the history of exile, and prospect of future publications on the impact of exile on the creation of knowledge.
Created: 2015-10-13 21:25
Collection: Comparative Social and Cultural History Seminar: Exile
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Peter Burke
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: history; knowledge; exile; Migration; diaspora; Europe;
Author:  Peter Burke
Abstract: Professor Burke offers an historiographical overview of past and current research on exile, and provides insights on his upcoming monograph about exile. Building upon his interest in the history of knowledge, Professor Burke discusses the impact of early modern voluntary and involuntary migration upon the creation of knowledge, with a particular interest in the 'silver lining', to get beyond common perceptions of suffering and hardship. He talks us through the particularities and idiosyncrasies of three specific times and diasporas (1453: the Greek diaspora after the fall of Constantinople; 1492: the Jewish Diaspora after the expulsion from Spain; 1685: the Huguenot diaspora after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes), and also discerns common themes through the key concepts of 'mediation', 'detachment', and 'hybridisation'.

The first 42 minutes are Professor Burke's lecture, the last hour are interesting questions and discussion raised by participants.
Recording: 13 October 2015.
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