‘Shackleton’ episode - Year 6

Duration: 3 mins 37 secs
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Description: This lesson is part of a series of lessons on Shackleton’s journey to the Antarctic. Parts of the story are being read and discussed on each lesson. On this lesson, the students read about Shackleton’s decision to shoot the dogs that accompanied them on this expedition due to lack of food and space on the ship. The teacher has the following statement on the board: ‘It was right for the dogs to be shot’. She asks students to discuss whether they agree with the statement or not and to justify their opinions. First, students discuss this in groups. The following episode begins when the teacher brings the conversation back to the whole class.

Created: 2019-11-07 12:02
Collection: CEDiR group examples of dialogue in diverse educational contexts
Publisher: T-SEDA
Copyright: The ESRC Classroom Dialogue project team, led by Christine Howe, Sara Hennessy & Neil Mercer
Language: eng (English)
Abstract: Lesson ID 144_T59
33 T Can I just have your attention, please? I think, if I was just (inaudible), I think this discussion could go on longer, because I've picked up some really, really good points from each group. Right, it's time to summarise, get together the gist of your group, and then you need to report back. Right, so, nice and clearly, and take on a point of everybody in your group, and then we'll see how the conversation went. OK, can we start with Hafizil? Stand up, please.
34 Hafizil ((Stands up)) In my group, Andrea, Asha and Shafi all agreed with it was right to shoot the dogs because, like in the book, they said they needed more space on the ships and they needed more food supplies. Me and Saskia agreed that it was right, and we agreed and also disagreed with the statement, because they could have used the dogs for guard dogs or something like... transportation.
35 T OK. … OK, right, thank you for your point. Who would like to add or build on what Hafizil's just said? ((Pointing to front left table)) Oracy leader here? Yamin.
36 Yamin ((Stands up)) Building on what Hafizil said, I disagree because they have guard dogs and, if (inaudible), how will the guard dogs protect the stuff, because, say, for example, some of the men, they were hunting and polar bears came, then the guard dogs wouldn't be enough to guard their belongings.
37 T OK. But what was the overall view, opinion?
38 Yamin Overall, we think that it was right for the dogs to be shot because, if they do shoot the dogs, then the humans would starve and the dogs would starve as well because there wouldn't be any food left. So, if they shot the dogs, the humans would have the food and their main pri-
39 T Priority.
40 Yamin priority is that the humans (inaudible) survive.
41 T Survive, OK. Thank you, Yamin. Thank you. Who would like to build on from what Yamin's just said? ((Few hands raised)) OK, Taha.
42 Taha ((Stands up)) I agree with Yamin. The main priority was that it was right for them to shoot (inaudible). If they hadn't shot the dogs, the dogs (inaudible) will die of starvation, and that's more painful than dying of a shot, because, if you die of a shot, it's only painful for like one second.
43 T OK. So Taha's table have just said it was better that the dogs were shot rather than left there to die of starvation, because that would have also been a long, painful death.

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