Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016's image
Created: 2016-01-14 14:57
Institution: Darwin College
Description: In the second term of every academic year since 1986 Darwin College has organised a series of eight public lectures. Each series has been built around a single theme, approached in a multi-disciplinary way, and with each lecture prepared for a general audience by a leading authority on his or her subject. The theme of the 2016 lecture series is "Games".

Media items

This collection contains 16 media items.


Media items

"Losing the New Great Game"


"Losing the New Great Game"
Dr Frank Ledwidge, Barrister, Writer and Lecturer
Darwin College Lecture Series 2016 – Games

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Thu 18 Feb 2016

Games Animals Play


"Games Animals Play"
Professor Nick Davies, University of Cambridge
Darwin College Lecture Series 2016 – Games

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Thu 10 Mar 2016

Games Animals Play


In the final paragraph of The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin leaves us with the vision of Nature as an “entangled bank”, where individuals struggle to survive and reproduce in...

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Thu 3 Mar 2016

Games for the Brain


"Games for the Brain"
Professor Barbara Sahakian, University of Cambridge
Darwin College Lecture Series 2016 – Games

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Tue 1 Mar 2016

Games for the Brain


There is nothing more important than good brain health and wellbeing throughout our lives. Yet while many people are concerned with their physical health and utilise wearable tech...

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Thu 3 Mar 2016

Games in Sports


"Games in Sports"
Sir Dave Brailsford, Team Sky
Darwin College Lecture Series 2016 – Games

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Thu 11 Feb 2016

Games in Sports


"Games in Sports"
Sir Dave Brailsford, Team Sky
Darwin College Lecture Series 2016 – Games

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Wed 10 Feb 2016

Losing the New Great Game


Dr Frank Ledwidge, Barrister, Writer and Lecturer
Darwin College Lecture Series 2016 – Games
The failed British military campaigns in Basra and Helmand followed similar...

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Thu 3 Mar 2016

Personal Principles and the Political Game


"Personal Principles and the Political Game"
Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, House of Lords
Darwin College Lecture Series 2016 – Games

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Tue 9 Feb 2016

Personal Principles and the Political Game


"Personal Principles and the Political Game"
Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, House of Lords
Darwin College Lecture Series 2016 – Games

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Mon 8 Feb 2016

The Game of Crime and Punishment


"The Game of Crime and Punishment"
Mrs Nicky Padfield, University of Cambridge
Darwin College Lecture Series

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Mon 8 Feb 2016

The Game of Crime and Punishment


"The Game of Crime and Punishment"
Mrs Nicky Padfield, University of Cambridge
Darwin College Lecture Series

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Tue 9 Feb 2016

The Game Theory of Conflict


"The Game Theory of Conflict"
Dr Thomas C Schelling, University of Maryland
Darwin College Lecture Series 2016 – Games

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Mon 18 Apr 2016

The Game Theory of Conflict


Thomas C. Schelling, PhD Harvard economics, 1951, was on the Faculty of Yale University 1953-57, spent 1958-59 at the RAND Corporation, 1959-90 at Harvard, Department of...

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Fri 11 Mar 2016

Wittgenstein's Games


"Wittgenstein's Games"
Professor A C Grayling, New College of the Humanities
Darwin College Lecture Series 2016 – Games

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Tue 9 Feb 2016

Wittgenstein's Games


"Wittgenstein's Games"
Professor A C Grayling, New College of the Humanities
Darwin College Lecture Series 2016 – Games

Collection: Games – Darwin College Lecture Series 2016

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Mon 8 Feb 2016