Dr. Pradipta Biswas: ‘Inclusive Human Computer Interaction - from Indian farmers to Eurofighter Typhoon pilots’

Duration: 56 mins 1 sec
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Description: Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is a multi-disciplinary field investigating the boundary between man and machine. With the advent of electronic interactive technologies during past decade, the field turns ever more relevant and important. This talk will present HCI issues for a few special cases where conventional interactive devices and user interfaces do not work. The use cases will include people with severe physical impairment, farmers in India and pilots of Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft. The talk will introduce a concept called user modelling, that helps to personalize user interfaces for people with different range of abilities and contexts of use. The personalization feature is further augmented with intelligent interactive systems where users can control electronic interfaces simply by looking, gesturing and talking to it. The talk will conclude with a few demonstration videos of our recent multi-modal adaptive systems.
Created: 2014-05-30 16:27
Collection: Science Society
Wolfson College Science Society
Publisher: Wolfson College Cambridge
Copyright: Dr. Pradipta Biswas
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: Human Computer Interaction; interactive;
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MP3 44100 Hz 249.79 kbits/sec 102.49 MB Listen
MP3 44100 Hz 124.71 kbits/sec 51.24 MB Listen
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